Signs of Normal Developmental Stages Ages 6-12

| Age 6-12, Parent Resources
Between the ages of 6 and 12, the child’s world expands outward from the family as relationships are formed with friends, teachers, coaches, caregivers, and others. Because their experiences are expanding, many factors can alter children’s actions and impact how they learn to get along. Some situations can create stress and affect self-esteem. The middle childhood period is a time to prepare for adolescence.
Physical and Language Intellectual Social/ Emotional
5-6 years:
Very high energy.
Dances and can keep a beat.

Permanent teeth are coming in,

Girls are developing ahead of boys,

Likes to build and create things

Can play organized games

Should be able to consistently use simple, but structurally complete, sentences that average 5 – 7 words.
Syntax and pronunciation becomes normal. Children use more complex sentences as they grow.

Children who are unable to express themselves adequately may be more prone to exhibiting aggressive behavior or temper tantrums.

A 6-year-old normally can follow a series of 3 commands in a row.By age 10, most children can follow 5 commands in a row.

Line between fantasy and
reality becomes more clear.

Can shift attention from one
task to another

Able to give more thought to

Have a great imagination.

Very interested in collecting

Enjoys jokes, rhymes, riddles,
nonsense songs.

Begins to see others’ point of

Wants to be treated like an adult

Can accept fair punishment.

Feels hurt when called names.

Proud and possessive of

Worries about being liked.

Enjoys talking with more than
cuddling with parents.

Boys and girls begin to play less
with each other.

Becomes competitive.

Doesn’t like to lose.

Can be bossy.

What you can do:
Even though this age does not like to lose, when playing a game make sure that you don’t always let the child win. Win some and lose some.
Be patient with questions since they become more meaningful and will be more likely to be remembered.
Provide books and music appropriate to the child’s level.
Provide opportunities for your child to use her imagination.
Provide toys that allow the child to create and build things.
Offer lots of praise since this age is very concerned about pleasing adults.
Source: Iowa State University Extension. Written by Lesia Oesterreich, Extension Human Development Specialist.